Monday, August 30, 2004

Oh HELL Yes!!

Well... If obstacles build character, I've got enough for EVERYONE... I can share. :-D

On Friday, my friend Mickee said we might be able to get the truck and get my big stuff moved. WOO HOO!! He said he'd know by 3pm...

On Saturday, I took the pups to the vet, had brunch with CM, and packed. While I was cleaning and packing I had inadvertently left my cell phone out in the Vue. I'm plugging along and look over a the clock and notice it's about 4:00pm and I'm wondering why no one has called. I have to pick the girls up by 5:00pm, so I hop in the view and find my phone. 10 missed messages. Mickee had the truck(since 1pm), was waiting for me to contact him and I fucked up HUGE!

I'm SORRY Mickee!!

So, I try giving him a call, but he's a busy landscaping guy so he's off... I'm trying to think of another way to move my bed, dresser, and sofa. In the meantime, Ron also had called and left messages saying he had an idea. In stead of me living in his room at his house (he lives with his partner so his room isn't used) why not stay in their spare room at Will's house. It's completely empty and I could sleep in my own bed. GREAT IDEA!

So, I relay the truck dilemma to Ron and then I call George. Another person who was waiting in the wings to help, but I just didn't think to call. He waited most of the day to get my call. I didn't call.

I'm SORRY George!!

I tell George to just take the night for himself, but I could use some help on Sunday. The phone rings... It's Ron. "Will and I will be over in an hour with 2 vehicles and a trailer. We'll get you moved!"



So, I scramble to get my bed apart and some other stuff packed and my friend Andrew send me a message online. I explain I'm trying to move and he says 'I have a small pick-up!' WOO HOO!!


So... The forces converge on my moving situation and things start to happen: we get the couch moved, the bed moved, tons of stuff moved... WOO HOO!!

On Sunday, George came over and helped me most most everything else. I'm so grateful!!


While George and I were eating, Carlos called and said he can get out of his lease, but he needs to be moved by Oct. 1st! YIKES! We gotta get moving on a place!! WOO HOO!! I'VE GOT A ROOMMATE!!! (let me know if you see any dog-friendly, 2BRs available)


I get home and hop in the shower because I need to run the pups and all of their stuff up to my Sister and brother-in-law's house. This whole weekend the girls were getting nervous. They don't like change a whole lot and every time I have moved in the past, Akima has gotten sick somehow. I hope she doesn't get sick this time.

CM agreed to come with to be moral support. He got to meet my ENTIRE family and got to experience a situation where the fam LOVES their son/brother no matter what. My family is cool with me being gay. It's awesome! Even little Joseph warmed right up to him. It was SO cute!

It was VERY hard. Watching Yuna and Akima watch me getting into the Vue and driving away without them. It made me sad...

Without a bed or anything else comfortable, I spent the night with Mikey. First time staying with him at his house. I was UBER-comfortable and he is a sweetheart. I was nice falling asleep next to him. I like him. It was VERY difficult to get out of bed this morning...


Thank you to everyone else out there who has offered their support. It all means so much to me. Thanks to you all!


Smitty said...

Would like to aim for the Uptown, S. Mpls, or St. Louis Park areas... I'm take something in NE too.

Anonymous said...

You forgot to thank some kind of higher power seeing how I didn't even make it one block from your old place yesterday after we were done moving stuff and it started to rain..... I thought that was kinda weird..... do you have some kind of connection to Mother Nature? LOL
