Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Plan B

Looks like my hope of finding a place by the end of the month is starting to dwindle. I have had multiple offers for couches, sofas, tubs and beds. Thank you to all of you who have offered!! I appreciate it more than you'll ever know!

So, I'm starting to initiate my 'Plan B' and making plans to move my stuff over to a friend's garage. I have to move my bed and my couch... Those are the only big items and everything else can be moved in the Vue or other vehicles. I hate packing, moving, living out of a tupperware...

The plan is to stay there for a month (and use some of the other offers just to stay out of my friend's roommate's hair), save some $$$ (and I'll owe my friend BIG TIME), and try to find a place where I can live with my pups and not pay WAY too much.

Another friend has offered to attempt to get out of his lease to room with me. He needs to save some money and I need a roomie. I HOPE he can make it work, but I'm not going to get my hopes up. I think he'd be a GREAT roomie, but sometimes the people at leasing companies can be dicks...

So, that's my situation for right now... 'Keep on keeping on...'

1 comment:

Matt said...

Hope it works out for ya, buddy. I'll be checking in a while to see how things work out for ya. (I was just browsing, and dropped by.) - MeV