Tuesday, August 17, 2004

My apologies...

I just wanted to take a minute to apologize to my friends. I have been ditching out on planned events, napping when I should have been getting other stuff done, and not returning calls or e-mails.

I'm VERY sorry!

I feel like my life is all in limbo and that makes me SO uneasy... Last night I should have walked the dogs, or done laundry, or mowed the lawn, or done ANYTHING productive... Instead, I napped. I should be blogging more often, especially about Cute Mikey, who is still in the picture...


Again, please put up with me for a bit longer. It has GOT to get better...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If your friends are friends, they'll understand. Everyone has their "moments," honey! Just pick yourself up and dust yourself off. Don't be afraid to chat with peeps, too. It helps to get life off your chest now and then.