Wednesday, August 25, 2004


Got a lot of work ahead of me and plenty to do this weekend!!

I started going through all of the tupperware containers that I own and sorting out all the crap i keep moving and not using. It's time to lighten the load. I have a TON of books, so I'm deliberating wether it's important to keep them or ditch them. I also have an ENTIRE, HUGE container full of choral music (i DO have a degree in music ed.) and I also need to decide if it's worth keeping all of that.

The Pups know something is up and are getting nervous. My brother-in-law is SUPER excited to get the pups. I guess he told my other B-I-L that he was getting my 'two babies' this weekend. I'm VERY happy he's excited about it... it makes it easier on me.

Just have to call and work out the details with him. Mikey said he'd go with to drop the pups off, but warned me that if I cry he's prolly gonna cry too... He's so cute!

1 comment:

Morgan said...

You can sell the books on and at least make some money with them, although you would still have to move them...just a suggestion. :O) Good luck with the move/cleaning in general.