Monday, January 03, 2005

Happy New Year!!

Heya folks!

Sorry it's been so long since my last note-worthy post, but I haven't been too inspired as of late.

First things first: HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

CM, Carlos, George and I decided to head to The Bolt and listen to My friend Richard spin. He does a GREAT job, but The Bolt was D-E-A-D! We hopped in the car and ran over to the Saloon which was happenin'. Danced for quite some time and I saw both Aaron and Mighty cutting a rug out on the dancefloor. This was my first time oficially meeting Mighty... and HOLY CRAP that dude is tall!! :-)

I had a GREAT time and maybe a bit too much to drink. I was hungover the next day, but not the tradtional hangover... just tired and sore muscles.

Met up with a few of CM's friends on Saturday to partake in the Iowa Hawkeyes game. We went to Bennigans in SLP and had a good time. Then had to run CM to the Urgent Care which kinda slowed the day down for us. I got him all drugged up and comfortable and we finished watching Return of the King -- Extended Version. (My first copy was defective so we only made it through the first disc).

Sunday was a pretty laid-back day. Went to a small 'Surprize' birthday brunch for Sahara then went home because I wasn't feeling the greatest... got a TON of Laundry done, but kinda neglected CM a bit. I feel awful for it... I apologized, but I still feel bad for being so selfish.

Hopefully, I can make it up to him. He means a lot to me and I NEVER want him to feel unwanted...

Hey Mikey: *SMOOOOOCH*


Cindi said...

Is CM okay?

At least you realized it and you apologized to him. That takes a ton more courage!

Hope your hangover is gone :-)

Moby said...

Urgent Care..Yikes! He's ok I hope...

And its abotu time you got back...We've missed you!