Thursday, January 20, 2005

The Man!

I've somehow come out on a list at work the labels me as #3 in bandwidth usage!

I have NO idea how that could be, but I've tracked part of the problem back to Windows Media Player.

So, I can only give you entries early in the morning from home and after work... I don't want to somehow get 'let-go' because of this report that's going to the executive council. I also have informed them that their report is faulty because the company mandated upgrade to Windows XP only gie you the option to use WMP when playing CDs. It also streams data while playing, thus increasing bandwidth.

They are reprimanding people for usage without investigating the subject thouroughly. I go my boss on the rampage now and we'll see where it goes from there... for now, I'm limiting my usage at work.


A BOY & HIS TOY said...

I went through that a couple months ago. What do they expect? People to actually 'work'? What is this world coming to. lol -Jason

Moby said...

Scandal! Switch to winamp and avoid the whole wmp drama. *G*

*I'll keep my fingers crossed*