Monday, January 24, 2005

Quick Update

Sorry for the lack of posts, but I'm trying to sneak this one in from work.

CM is doing well! We had a scare on Saturday night an his wound started bleeding pretty badly. We called the surgeon and followed his instructions... It stopped! Thank GOD for John (Mike's roomie)!! He's a saint for helping Mike out the way he does. Thanks John!

CM is also in fairly good spirits, but I'm sure boredom is going to set-in soon. Laying on your side all day can lose it's appeal pretty quickly.

I have lost my dogs!! I let them out to go potty and I could only find 2 abominidibble (I don't know how to spell the damn word!!) snowbeasts when it was time for them to come in... Maybe I can get to the bottom of this once they thaw out!

In my game, one of our high-school aged Linkshell members said some stoopid-ass shit about AIDS and how everyone with it should be locked up in a building until they die... I WENT OFF!! That jackass pissed me and a bunch of other people off. Apparently he also said some dumb shit the night before and caused one of our favorite members to leave the group... somehow a discussion about bi-curiosity come up and it went downhill from there. I ended up telling everyone in the LinkShell that I'm gay. Some talk to me , some don't... It's funny. It's just a fucking game!!

On a positive note, after I came out on the game, one of the other members private messaged me and said he was gay too. We chatted about shit for quite some time afterward. It was cool!

But, that was my weekend and I CANNOT WAIT until Mikey is better so I can snuggle-up with him... I miss it SOOOOO much!!

Later Y'all!


Danny in Dairyland said...


Glad to hear the surgery went well and recovery is moving along. You seemed pretty worried there. Hope it continues to move along and that you guys are doing the snuggles real soon!


Ryan Dunn said...

Smitty, I'm proud of you for standing up for who you are. It took a lot of courage, and I'm sure the others in your group are glad you did it. Bravo!

Chris said...

It's good to hear that CM is now doing better. Let's hope that everything will go smoothly on the road of recovery.

I've been playing World of Warcraft, and I have yet to be involved in a heated argument with people who talk smack about gays, lesbians, or related issues. One thing that I have noticed a lot is that there are quite a few people who comment "That is so gay", in a derogatory way. I have not seen the regular use of that phrase since high school. None of my co-workers or virtually any person that I encounter in public would use such a phrase.

I have yet to out myself in the game, as I don't see the need. However, if a chat goes down a certain path, I too would stand up like you did.