Wednesday, September 22, 2004

Reading night...

Well... CM's roommate loaned me The Goblet of Fire to read. So, last night I had to swing over to CM's house to pick up my cell phone charger and then I was going to go find a nicely lit coffee shop and read. I end up chatting with John for a while...

Then I remember i'm scheduled for work on Saturday and I really should get my shit moved that day. So, I head over to Targay and begin to work my magic. Within minutes, I have a guy convinced he wants to cover my shift so I go get it approved by the LOD.

It's also Tuesday so that means Penny is working. I wander over to the electronics counter and chat with her for a while. When you haven't seen Penny for a while she will talk your ear off. I proceed to visit with her for abour 45 minutes. So much for reading...

Then the guy comes over and says he forgot about a Psychology project he had to work on, so he cannot work on Saturday. So, he says he'll try to find someone to cover the shift, but ultimately it's my responsibility. Ugh... So now I'm on the hunt for another person to cover my shift.

By the time all this came down it was already 9pm and if I cracked open a book I'd be asleep in 45 seconds flat... Oh well... there is always tonight!!

Is Wilde Roast a good place to read at or is it dark?

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