Monday, June 14, 2004


I could probably write for days on the shit from this past weekend... Especially yesterday... Wow!

Good News first:

The BAD PUPPIES are now 4-8. WOO HOO! Yes, that's right: 2 wins this Sunday!! WOOT WOOT!
An ATM that doesn't give a receipt?? Fricken red-necks...
...They had had a bit too muchto drink. I had NOTHINGto do with it.*evil grin*

Friday: the date with M-boy was kinda thrown together, but I had a GREAT time. He's very sweet, a little sassy and just LOVES to talk. We went to Applebees with the intention of getting our food quickly and getting on to a movie. Yeah... Applebees in Brooklyn Park is NOT the place to go for speediness. Our server was what I'd call 'anti-brilliant.' She sucked the intelligence out of the room. It was not good. Good thing I had M-boy to entertain me. :-) We made it through our meals but were too late for a movie, so we headed to Robbinsdale to play a little pool at a RED_NECK bar called the Eagle's Nest. These were the best cared for, vending machine style pool tables I had seen in a long time. No table roll, none. It was fun. I was an idiot and didn't get cash before going out, so I had to make a break in the date to run and do so. M-boy was giving me shit because I wouldn't get cash at the ATM @ Eagle's Nest because the little machine said it may not give me a receipt... WHAT?!?
Anyway... The night was good, but I stayed up WAY too late...

Saturday was a VERY non-productive day. I had to throw together all of the fundraiser stuff and deliver it to Porters... So, of course, I stayed and had a couple of drinks Amazing O and Carlos came out too and we hung out. Kurt also came down and then we all went to Bolt. Carlos and I danced while Kurt and Amazing O tried to maintain their balance by leaning against the wall. They had had a bit too much to drink. I had NOTHING to do with it. *evil grin* I wanted to dance all night, but I had driven Kurt down there and he needed to get home because he played softball EARLY in the morning.

On to Sunday:

First of all... I got to sleep in. WOOT!

Then I got up and pay with the girls for a while... Then Ron called and he was already headed to the fields. So I showered and got ready for softball, lets the pups out one more time, and then headed tot he fields... Ron and I wandered around the fields for a while, just chatting and visiting with other players until I needed some food.

Ron and I chatted it up at Arby's and now I know WAY too much about him and he can prolly say the same thing about me!! Honestly, Ron is turning out to be a GREAT friend even tho we don't see eye-to-eye one some things.
An ATM that doesn't give a receipt?? Fricken red-necks...
...chatted it up at Arby's and now I know WAY too much about him and he can prolly say the samething about me...

On with the show:

Ron and I were hanging out watching the Saints play and I was having a good time just watching some competitive play, when I look off to my right and there is Adam... With his roomie Amy, whom I like very much. I instantly felt uncomfortable and KNEW something is wrong...

I left, went to the bathrooms and Adam called me... 'Just saw you and thought I'd say 'hi.'' I was like 'Ummm... Thanks...' and hung up the phone... Awkward... Am I being a freak, or would you all be wierded out too?


Adam and I broke up in September of last year. I dated a couple of people all of which I am now friends with. Adam and I started seeing each other in February again, but Adam started doing some shit (again) and I asked him if he was my boyfriend or my friend. And I quote: "No, I'm not your boyfriend and haven't really been for a long time... I'm just some guy you hung out with and had sex with on occasion. Boyfriend may be too strong of word to use."

So... What this means to me is: Hey, even though we were together, I really didn't want to give it a go.

Grrrrr... I guess I still have issues with this...

Back to Sunday:

So... I'm on the way to my Vue to get my softball stuff and I pass the Raptors... Most say 'hi' and Tattoo Mike stops to say hello. Or at least that's what I thought he was going to say... 'Adam is coming to watch the game.' WHAT?!?


Tattoo Mike is someone I met after the first break-up with Adam. I really like him and I want him to be a good friend in my life... So, have you put two and two together yet?

Adam is seeing Mike.
An ATM that doesn't give a receipt?? Fricken red-necks...
...during our game with the Raptors I busted my ass to do the best I could just to beat them on principle...

So... I was/am very worked up about this. I just simply wouldn't sleep with an friend's former partner... Anyway... during our game with the Raptors I busted my ass to do the best I could just to beat them on principle. I was upset. I popped out on one of my at bats and Mike came up to me and said, 'We need to talk.' I was like: ummm... Not right now, we don't...

Last night I was up late and he messaged me on a messenger service for 'my' people. He asked if he could call... I told him I would feel uncomfortable talking about stuff with him, but I agreed to the call. We talked about him and Adam, the fact that Mike and I dated about as long as they have been and he'd put out already... Not sure I wanted to know that, but it just reinforced the thought that Adam bases his self-worth off of his sexual activity.

Mike also mentioned that Adam has been a bit aggressive about a relationship which also reinforces that fact that Adam need to be with someone to qualify his existence or his co-dependence.

So, what Mike wanted to know, was if he continues to see Adam will that effect our friendship? I asked him back: would you feel awkward if you were in my shoes? He said Yes.

I told him he needs to decide what is good for him. It's not my place to dictate who he hangs out with. I told him I'd like to hang out, but prolly would feel weird if Adam and tagging along or waiting in the wings.


Gay boys fucking suck... And not in the good way...

I think I'm going to play things cool with all the gay peeps in my life and just live life. I obviously have some issues/bitterness to get over.

Wish me luck...

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