Tuesday, March 15, 2005

I'm not buying...

So, I may not be as nice and eloquent as Aaron, but I also had a 'watcher/stalker' at the gym.

I usually mind my own business on the workout floor. I'm trying a new workout in order to incorporate more cardio into the routine. I head over to the new cable cross-over machine and begin my chest workout.

Three machines over there is a regular (who always seems to spend more time in the locker room than the workout room) lifting on the chest machine. I catch him looking at me a few times during my workout, but I just go on with my business.

I decide I'm done buffing up for the day and head down to the locker room. I give a quick glance around and it's pretty empty. Good thing! I strip down, grab my towel and hop in the empty steam room quick. I love sitting in the steam. It makes my lungs feel good and gives them a temporary vacation from the sniffles.

I'm spraying down the steam vents (it's kind of an old system) and getting the room all nice and hot when what's-his-face walks in butt naked. Now he's not completely out of shape carrying the love handles like most of us have. He's probably late 40's or early 50's, balding and has a very weathered face.

I finish getting the room full of steam and find a place away from this other guy. I usually sit on the third level because it's warmer up there and this guy was down on the first. I didn't think anything of it, but I usually close my eyes, lean back on the wall and relax. I was sitting there for about 5 minutes and I open my eyes and this guy is 'rubbing one out.'

I was caught off-guard by his courage to do that in a public place, but was even more startled when he glanced up at me and gave me this stupid little grin. LIKE I'D BE INTERESTED OR FLATTERED!!!

I'm sure a lovely look of disgust had made it's way to my face, and I got up and headed toward the door. This guy kept going.

As I reached the door I turned to him and said, 'You better sell that shit somewhere else, because I'm not buying what you're selling!' I stormed out of the steam room and into the showers.

That man didn't leave the steam room the entire time I was getting ready to go.

He's there every morning. We'll see how he reacts to my presence on Wednesday morning. :-)


Moby said...

I love you smitty! lol

Now my question is..would you have done the same had he been a total hottie?

PS. Miss seeing you post as much as used to. How dare you have a life w/o us! *G*

Matt said...

Ishh! Trolls. If I ever am 60 and I'm that way, someone take a shotgun and "put me out."


Ryan Dunn said...

Time for Smitty to find a new gym...?