Thursday, May 27, 2004

Wow... not a whole lot to report today... hmmm... let's see, NR is sick so he's pretty much doped up on drugs... WOO HOO!

PBS and I haven't crossed paths in a few, so I don't know what's up with him...

Had softball last night and only a handfull of people showed up. We scrimmaged the Biohazard team and had a GREAT time. They were fun to chat and lay with. Roger was hitting well and I smacked the ball a few times. It was good!!

And let me tell ya, I get my hair cut and suddenly EVERYONE knows my name. Well, my nickname that is. 'Smitty!' 'Smitty' -- A bunch of them were trying to get my attention and stuff... SHEEEEEEEEESH!! I hope that logic carries over to this weekend!!

Tonight I'm going out to kiddie night at the Saloon, so we'll see how that goes. Maybe I'll have a few good stories for you tomorrow.

Later Peeps!

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