Friday, June 10, 2005

WTF is he doing?!?

So, at the gym this morning, I had just reached my locker and we getting ready for a HARD shoulder/bicep workout. I was digging my clothes out of my bad when this cute, nicely built 'kid' comes back from the shower and opened a locker near mine. I'm getting ready and setting up my mini-disc when I notice he's pouring something from a small little apothocary bottle onto his head.

Then he proceeds to grab another from his back and put some of the contents on his pits. I was a bit baffled by this, but then I realized it was scented oils. They smelled REALLY good.

So, before I put my headphones on, I asked him 'What are you using the smells so good?'

He looked at me with a 'deer-in-the-headlights-oh-my-god-someone-is-talking-to-me-in-the-gym' kind of look. Then, in a lisp that would rival Daffy Duck he said, 'I uthe oilth and lothion. Ith probably the lothion that smellth the most.' He quickly turned away, haphazardly threw on his clothes and exited the locker room in all about 30 seconds.

Apparently I scared him off. :)

I just shook my head, laughed and hit the weights to try and make myself a little bit leaner.

1 comment:

Smitty said...

Hmmm... maybe I did. I think the difference is: I wasn't staring at his crotch or ass for hours before saying anything.

I just wanted to know wtf he was doing and what smelled good!! :)