Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Photo Shoot #2!!

Let me introduce you to my 'mule.' His name is Myk and he's from Windy. He is a Taru-Taru and one HELL of a magic user!!

Myk is a seller of many things and stores gear for Mykal and Kale. Here he is sitting near the Auction House in Windy trying to sell some wands that Mykal had just made.


It's Starlight Celebration time in Vana'diel and all of the cities are decorated.

Here's the Bastok Fountain:

Here's a couple of shots Sandy:


So, I have mentioned the job of Summoner. You get to call forth Carbuncle to help you fight. Once you become more powerful, you can seek out elemental Avatars to help you too. Here's some summoning shots.

Beginning summoning:

Almost done:

Mykal and Carby:

1 comment:

Moby said...

Myk looks like a cross between a gremlin and a cabbage patch doll. *G* He sounds powerful though, don't tell him I saidk that, he might turn me into a tea pot.