Friday, July 16, 2004

Small Gay World

So, I've been hanging out on when I'm not at Targay, walking the pups or at my full-time job. Just chatting, looking at the RARE cute boys, saying 'Hi' to them then being ignored... *SIGH*
Anyway, there has been this guy who I thought was VERY cute, but just never said anything to. I saw him out at the Underground last Saturday and he actually looked really good in person too. We made eye contact and he smiled big, but me being the chicken-shit that I am just kept on dancing and pretty much let the guy get away.
So, back to I was online Wednesday after softball practice and Porters. I see him online when I log in and decide to take the plunge. He actually says 'Hi' back. *GASP* I'm thinking 'SHIT! What do I do now? I'm used to being ignored!' So I issue the standard: 'What's up?' 'How ya doing?' 'Where ya from?' 'What do you do?'
-- Out of the blue he says, 'I know you from Elk River.' WTF, MATE? Elk River is where I grew up and went to high school. Turns out that in my senior year, I was the 'Mayor' in the Pied Piper of Hamlin, A musical (not a pretty moment for me... my Mom came to one of the shows and I TOTALLY forgot the words... oops). This kid was the 9th grader hired to play the piano for the show. Apparently, he had a HUGE crush on me and now he seems to think I'm still cute. 
He's a cutie, so it'll be good to catch up and find out more about him. Told him to send me an e-mail and he said the same thing... So I did and no response...
Mucho Bizarro!


Loki's Concubine said...

Woohoooo! Isn't it great when people you're interested in think you're cute? LOL. Good job and hope things work out for you!

Anonymous said...

I am such an idiot. I totally saw you at softball today and I even saw you had "Smitty" on your jersey and didn't put 2 and 2 together until just now. Doy. I'm the freakishly tall guy who plays for Jitters.

I like your blog. See you around.
