Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Pre-last night's fiasco

On my way from the office to my home , I was text messaged by Cute Mikey (at least that's how I have him programmed into my phone). CM is the man I went out with on Sunday night. I had been thinking about how crappy my life was because I had to work 2 jobs and was getting down on myself, but the message TOTALLY turned my day around (until I actually GOT to work).

The message was simple 'Do you text?' I replied, 'I save it 4 flirting & being cute with cute boys who like me.' -- PATHETIC, I know...

Just a few more messages were exchanged but it still made me feel SO good... I like stuff like that. It's the little things that make life enjoyable. I hope to string a bunch of those little things together with a man who cares about me.

It's nice to know that somewhere out there, someone is thinking of you. Make someone aware that you're thinking of them today...

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