Monday, January 09, 2006


I have requested Thursday thru next Monday off from work. YAY!!

I know, I'm not even 3 weeks into the new year and I'm already burning PTO days. But, due to my bus phobia and need of a mental break I have justified it.

Mikey is also taking Friday off (and he already has Monday off) so we're going to hang for the long weekend together.

I'm trying to think of some fun stuff to do that doesn't cost a lot of money... there WILL be some vegetation happening this coming weekend. I DEMAND it!

Get some gaming in, take in a movie or two, rent some DVDs, take the pooches to the park for a snowball fight, window shop, and find some mini-corndogs. Been craving them...

Also, I want to get my CD's transferred over the iTunes, create some playlists and work on the 'check-in/check-out' functionality of the iPod Nano. Anyone know how 'suffle' works? Or is it called 'random' on iPods????

Help if you can please!


Moby said...

Don't have an ipod so can't help you on that count.

Glad to hear you have some quality time coming! Sounds like a cuddle/smooch fest is dead ahead!

Matt said...

Enjoy your long weekend!

Do you mean Shuffle or Autofill? One of my disappointments with the iPod Nano is that you can't Autofill, i.e. say to iTunes, Give me 2MB of my favorite music, like you can with the "iPod Shuffle."

If you mean Shuffle, there is an option for shuffling by Title or Album.

I'm on my 4th iPod and know the stuff pretty well. Let me know if you have any questions!