Wednesday, February 09, 2005


Sorry it's been so long for a posting, but I took a couple days off of work to rest and re-group.

I've been dealing with a headache since Saturday night, so my time off wasn't quite as peaceful as I had hoped for. I'm almost out of Advil and i've had enough caffine to kill a cow, but it still lingers. I've got to try my peppermint oil that I have here at work. It usually deadens some of the pain, so i'm optimistic.

I also had to take CM in for another follow-up with his surgeon. Apparently when the surgery was done the surgeon left the lower part of the cyst wall thinking it would be a problem. Right now there is some sort of ganulation tissue that keeps developing that tey need to 'burn off' to help promote the healing... ick... He's going to decide in 2 weeks if they need to go back in and remove the lower part of the cyst wall.

CM plans on going back to work tomorrow for a shortened day. It's kinda wild that it's been 3 weeks already...

So far, we've no plans for Valentines Day. We'd go out to dinner, but he's a bit self-consious about having to bring his special little cushion to sit on. So, it'll be a quiet night at home...

1 comment:

Danny in Dairyland said...

Welcome back Smitty! We missed you!
