Thursday, January 13, 2005

Taking Friday off

I'm taking tomorrow off and going to try and relax a bit. I'm not sure how that will work exactly because I need to do the following:
  1. Get to go to the Vet with the girls
  2. Get the 12k done on the Vue
  3. Get a haircut so I won't be so tempted to show the world my 'Dragonball Z' hair
  4. Work Out (please refer to Resolution #2)
  5. Pick up some movies for the weekend
  6. Get groceries

So, I got a pretty full schedule and NO CHANCE of sleeping in with the two canines involved. Oh well... They DO like naps. It won't take much to coerce one of those out of 'em!

1 comment:

A BOY & HIS TOY said...

Sounds perfect to me... wish I had today off but I do have this afternoon off and I'm doing some of what you have going on. HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND! -Jason