Monday, January 17, 2005

On Thursday

On Thursday, CM goes in for surgery to attempt to put an end to a cyst that has been causing him issues for quite some time. He'll be on 'couch rest' for 2 weeks and probably in a lot of pain.

On Thursday, CM's Mom and Dad are coming up to take him to the surgery and, most likely, stay with/be with him for the weekend. When they are here, I have limited access to CM because they don't know about me yet. They know CM is gay, but CM is fearful of the repercussions of telling them. They've threatened the take away access to his niece if he ever lives with another man.

On Thursday, I won't get to be the first, non-medical person Mikey gets to see after everything is all done. That makes me sad. What makes it even worse is that I might not get to see him until well into the weekend after his parents head back to Iowa.

I understand his reasons for waiting to tell them. I understand that having surgery and telling Mom and Dad about your boyfriend shouldn't go hand-in-hand. I understand that he will tell them when he's ready.

On Thursday, please pray/think about Mikey and also during his recovery period. I hope this is the last time he'll have to have surgery for this stupid cyst.

(Please forgive my selfish post, but I'm loving this man more and more everyday...)


Mike J. said...

I don't believe that this message is a selfish one. Your boyfriend is very close to your heart and you are not going to be able to be there for him through his surgery. That is a very hard thing for you both because I am sure he does want you there and he will know that there is no other place that you would rather be as well. My thoughts are with you both through this tough situation.....Mike J.

Moby said...

There is nothing wrong w/being upset over it. The bigger crime is that we live in a society that is so backwards minded. Especially, when we like to consider ourselve so "evolved". You are facing the same choice alot of gay couples face. Do I tell my family and risk alienating them or do I just shut them out completely?

All best to CM and I'll think of him on Thursday. And a big hug to you smitty! *bear hug*