Wednesday, October 05, 2005


I've been trying out MOBLOG and wanted to share with you!!

I don't have A LOT of pics there, but go take a look!

All is quiet on the Smitty front. I wasn't feeling the greatest the morning because I just couldn't sleep last night... and when I did sleep, I was fighting ninjas with Yuna and Akima in my dreams...

Let me tell you... Yuna can kick some ass!! :D

Anyway, I think I'm due to visit the doctor againa and see what my options are for sleep therapy. They have clinics where you sleep there overnight and you're hooked up to all sorts of gadgets. It'd be interesting if domething came of it, but creepy in the fact that someone is watching you while you sleep...

I need to figure something out. Must. Get. Sleep.

Maybe just reading or playing with the dogs for a half hour before bedtime would allow my brain to settle down.


1 comment:

Saturn said...

Hmmm, I don't know U, just stumbled on your site while blogsurfing, but I have a friend who had a lot of problems sleeping too. Nothing seemed to work until I turned him onto this natural supplement. Since I sell it, I don't want to post it here and seem all salesman-y, but if you're interested, hollaback and we can chat about it via email. In any case, I hope U get some rest real soon!