Thursday, October 13, 2005

Coming Out

Byf had asked what my 'coming out' story was...

Well, I haven't had a bad experience yet.

I knew all the way back in the 7th grade. You know when you hop in the bus and go to the pool for gym class. All the guys getting changed into the speedo-esqe suimsuit (you HAD to use one of theirs ... weird!) in the locker room and I got my first actual look at developing muscles. I remember on wrestler (no Jake, it wasn't you) who was incredible. I'm talking nice abs, chest, legs, etc... I caught myself staring. It was then that I had a pretty good idea that I liked guys.

No one ever questioned why I didn't have a girlfriend. I was a computer/choir/drama geek and I think most chalked it up to me being terribly fugly...

It was nice; no pressure.
...talking niceabs,chest, legs, etc...I caught myself staring...

During high school, I only experimented once. A man from the internet. Ick. He was overweight, scragly, and creepy.... just creepy. He e-mailed pics of someone else in order to meet up. Comforting to know the gay 'troll' mentality hasn't changed in 13 years. He brought me porn... I took it and RAN! I hopped in my car and drove around the back roads in hopes he wasn't following me. It was a very disturbing experience, but I also got to explore gay porn for the first time. HOT!

I held all activity off until college. I met another music major at school and we made out one night. We simply kissed for a bit and I left. After that he 'freaked out' and wouldn't talk to me. For ten years we never said a word. I randomly wrote him and his wife to see how they were (you can get alumni addresses off our school's website). He is married, had two kids and is now in the process of coming out himself! (You go J!!) I now chat with him everyday online and I believe he has a date coming up with a hottie. WOO HOO!!

During college breaks, I'd go home and spend most of my time exploring the city of Minneapolis. Being gay, or at least trying to understand it is a HECK of a lot easier in a larger city. Moer specifically, I hung out in Uptown. I happened upon it while exploring one day and i've been facinated ever since. Cafe Wyrd, Lake Calhoun, Uncommon Grounds, Borders, and Figlio... plenty of places to see and 'be seen' and to check out the 'gays' to see how I was supposed to fit in.

Eleven years have passed.

I'm now leading a gay softball team (with the help of my friends), dating a WONDERFUL man, working in a city I love and have a strong group of gay friends who I'll do anything for.

I love you guys! :P

Not sure that's a 'coming out' story, but it's how I am 'me'.

1 comment:

Moby said...

Happy to know you had a good one. That's how it should be for everyone