Wednesday, August 24, 2005


Yuna enjoys the finer things in life: Fancy kibble, nice toys, upscale living quarters and a live-in Mexican slave. :)

However, she decided that the rag rug underneath her kennel would be the ULTIMATE relief from a boring day in the kennel! She somehow telepathically pulled HALF of the rug into her kennel and shredded the HELL out of it.

Now, this isn't a big surprise ad I'm kind of used to. However, I'm not so used to vomiting at 4:30am because she's get a big ol' hunk of rug she's got to cough up.

Also, last night after Mikey and I got home, I let the pups out for their evening romp in the backyard. Yuna proceeded to finish BOTH of her 'businesses' and then SHOT across the yard! She ran back and forth and would stop to look at her ass. Ms. Thing had a 12-inch strip of fabric from the rag rug hanging from her behind and couldn't get it out. I laughed for a bit because she acted as if something was chasing her, but I eventually had to get a plastic bag and move in for the assist.

It's nights like these I question my logic for becoming a father...


Moby said...

gross but hilarious! *g*

No Milk Please said...

i really do hate pets that throw up. both of mine do so quite regularly and sometimes it's challenge not to walk into one..

no milk please

Unknown said...

Hey Smitty.
Seen you haven't updated in a few days -- so Tag! Your it!
enjoy :D