Tuesday, June 29, 2004


I got A LOT of sleep last night and I feel WONDERFUL!! WOOT!

That's the first time in about a week. I need to go to bed @ 9:45pm more often. Had some great chats going on last night, but had to stick to my guns and get to be in a timely manner. It was perfect.


J said...

"some chats" huh? hmm, should i feel better that i wasn't the ONLY cute boy stiffed last night? :-/ i've got some bad luck yo... when my husband is cheating on me on our honeymoon.

anyone else in this place need a cute young boy-toy?

Smitty said...

Wow... ummm... does it make you feel better that it was my friend for the softball team?

Smitty said...

Our conversation meant SO much more to me.

J said...
