Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Bad News:

Yesterday my Grandmother, Emma, passed away.

It wasn't quite hit me yet, but once I see my family it'll all come rushing to the forefront. I'm sad and depressed a bit, but still plugging away.

She wrote down before got really sick that she wants her grandsons to carry her casket. I'm not too thrilled about it, but since she wanted it, she's going to get it.

This is the grandmother whom I have live next to my entire life until college. After college, whenever I'd come visit I'd get a *gasp* followed by a blue streak of what's happened to her since the last time I was over to visit. The past time I went to visit her all she could get out was my name and then started crying.

My mom said 'She hasn't done that for ANYBODY else.'

Ok... made myself get teary... need to stop.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your grandma, i'm sending you a big virtual hug *HUG*

J said...

hope you're doing ok. i'll keep good thoughts going your way.

That One Chick You Know said...

Your in my thoughts....

J said...

:-( Are you EVER going to post again? *sniff* *sniff*