Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Smitty's look of death prevails once again!!

Story Time:

So, the NR calls yesterday around 2:00 in the afternoon and ask if he can lets the girls out to play in that back yard. 'It's SO beautiful out, I thought they might like it.'

I said it was ok as long as he watched them and as long as he picked up all his SHIT in the living room. He said 'Oh yeah... I'm cleaning it up right now!'

Let me draw you a picture:

I have a nice, little sofa/sectional I just bought and because he 'works from home' apparently it's become his 'office.' He had a blanket laid out on the sofa and it was covered with stoopid e-mail jokes, clothes (which I hope were clean), office supplies, and other miscellaneous crap... All spread out over my new sofa. Oh, HELL no!

By the way, the only reason he had that blanket down was so he could eat on the sofa even tho I asked him not to. I caught him 2 or three times sitting on the sofa eating his fucking take-out... Respect the ones you live with?? SCREW THAT!!

The Prologue:

Apparently, our landlord had commissioned the NR with sitting us all down and coming up with a cleaning schedule. For the past 2 weeks he asked me only twice about this cleaning thing. I told him when I was available to talk about it and he did NOTHING about it, so I thought I'd see how long it takes him to bring it up again. I guess getting laid is more important than keeping the landlord happy...

...I guess getting laid is more important than keeping the landlord happy...
Three days ago, I had made a taco bake (which was actually quite good!) that was in the fridge. I offered it up to my two roommates that night, but neither wanted any because of other plans. I decided I was going to bring the leftovers into work and share it with Cindi for Lunchy-lunch. When I got to work I realized that someone had consumed over half of what was left and figured out it was the NR. I called him in the morning (just to wake his sorry-ass up) and say 'In the future, please do not assume the invitation stands after the fact. You turn me down, you're done.' He got all pissy with me and said 'What about this cleaning schedule?? Mark (the landlord) is going to call today and I don't have any idea what to tell him.' I said, 'If Mark wants us to create a cleaning schedule he'd contact me and let me know this. Maybe this is a cleaning schedule for you.' He didn't like that too much... I got hung-up on...


So, that night I came home from work and I offered to clean up my part of the mess in the living room if he does his... I removed my ONE box from the room and left him to his own devices(his cell phone).

Back to last night:

Needless to say it wasn't done when I got home and his idea of 'I'm working on it right now!' is to move his computer box from one end of the couch to the other.

Now, the NR is using my 2nd computer for his 'home office' and for some reason has a REALLY bizarre relationship with our next door neighbor. She's very sweet, but I'm not sure she's all there. The woman gave the NR one of her X-boxes, and more recently gave him a corner computer desk (which is now sitting in the living room, in pieces). By the way, the NR doesn't' even have a computer of his own... He's using my second one. Why would he need a computer desk if he doesn't own one???


So they get this desk moved over last night and still my couch is covered in his junk... I'm a little irritated at this point, but figured I'd give him until I go to bed. He continued to talk on the phone for 2 hours and watch TV... No cleaning...

So, on my way back in from letting the girls out for their last potty-break of the evening... I waited in the dining area and made a little noise so he knew I was there. (When the NR hears something going on in other parts of the house, he MUST go into that room to see what's going on) He came out while talking on the phone with someone and I shot him 'the look' and whispered 'You need to clean this shit up.' -- An walked upstairs.

Miraculously, when I came down this morning the sofa was cleared. WOO HOO! However, I did notice there was some sort of grit on my sofa... grrrr...

Now we just have to get the desk out of the way... One more 'look' should do it.

What can I say... It's a gift!!

*hair flip*

1 comment:

Cindi said...

I visited, I visited... But of course you knew I would!