Monday, May 24, 2004

I finally got my tattoo. Look here!!

If you don't like the F-word... Don't finish reading this post...

Alright... I may just be over-reacting, but the NR is a fucking lazy bum!

For a week I have been reminding him that he needs to buy the next batch of toilet paper (since he can go through one-roll in a day) and everyday I have reminded him. Yesterday afternoon he said 'I'll get it tonight.' Do we have it yet?

We're on our last roll. Fucker...

Also last night: I came home from the gym and the stove-top was covered in some mysterious substance left-over from his cooking. I asked him to clean it up and he said 'I'll clean it up tonight.'

It's still dirty this morning. Fucker...

Last week: When we were cleaning up the living room I had asked if he would clean up the seeds and dirt that have been tracked through the front door (NR is the only one who uses it). And, I also asked if he could run the dust mop since I swept the stairs, downstairs, the deck and the kitchen.

It's still dirty. Fucker...

I am also done spending my money for items of community use. In other words, I'm tired of spending my cash on the NR's lazy ass. PBS is fine. I like PBS. NR is an idiot. He can't even fill up the water-filter pitcher after he uses it. I'm lucky that 3 out of 4 times he actually puts it back.

He also leaves cupboard doors open... I know it's not myself and PBS mostly uses my dishes. It's always the cupboard with his stoopid dishes in it.

We've also become a dumping ground for the neighbor's stuff... First the desk, now a headboard for a bed. It's sitting down in the basement.. I don't get it...

And apparently it's VERY difficult to remember to put a trash bag in the trash can after we take it out. It's easy to remember to throw shit in the trash can, but hard to notice there is not bag????? WTF??



Sheesh... I think I need a nap...


Anonymous said...

Ah right...I can only be ANONYMOUS =/
Debb doesn't like ANONYMOUS. Debb like to be Debb.


Okie, I guess the post IS working.


Anonymous said...

oh, right.

Yeah! Fucker!


Smitty said...

Little Deb,

You are TOO freaking funny!!