Thursday, April 21, 2005

FUCK YOU Square-Enix!!

OK... Last night I was all excited to put a few, guilt-free hours into my game and get some shit done.


I first logged in at about 4:30pm. Then again over and over for an hour. Then twice an hour. Then once before I went bed @ 10:30pm. At that time, I was able to connect, but then the monthly update had to run and it took only 15 minutes.

They have 'officially' apologized for the inconvenience, but you know what? FUCK YOU!! Give me something... In game money; a cool item; a month free!!

Oh well... I should get over it because it's only a game. But the unfortunate thing is there is ALWAYS and issue after they release the update. Lately, it's usually you can't search to find other people or the Auctions House is all messed up. It'll be interesting to see what they messed up this time.


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