Thursday, August 19, 2004


Last night after softball practice I went home, got some things done, got cleaned up and headed over to St. Paul. CM (Cute Mikey) had a BBQ to go to, but it started late and he said I should head over.

It was the first chance to meet a bunch of his friends so I was a little nervous. I had no problem finding the place and I hadn't seen CM for a few days. So when I saw his smiling face at the door my nervousness went away, and I was just happy to be with him. Content.

Upon walking in, I was greeted with "John is seasoning his meat"... That's a GOOD way to start the evening! John is CM's roomie and quite the character! He cracks me up!

I was introduced to most of the people there (lots of law peeps) and only remember a few names... I'm not good with names...

We made drinks, socialized a bit, and seasoned our own pork chops for the grill. MMMMMMM.... pork chops! Slapped some cajun seasoning on mine and it was the best damn pork chop EVER!

CM and I traded some notes on some common people that we know... I'm not sure how I feel about that, but he wanted to know so I just told him. It was weird. Very small world. Almost too small.

Anyway, we're headed to Valleyfair tomorrow (I have some comp tickets) and I hope it's a good day for us. I like him.


Pisser said...

At least he wasn't tenderizing his meat...!

No Milk Please said...

i can never remember anybody else's name either. i wonder why anybody ever introduces anyone. :) i think that introductions should only be where the one person to the group. the group will now have to introduce themselves later to the individual separately (if they desire).

i see somebody else has beaten me to a "meat" joke, so i will refrain from making another one... :)

No Milk Please said...

also, good luck with CM!!!